Friday, December 18, 2009

lucky day

My baby boys photos just won't be complete without photoshop elements to give them that finished, professional look. Luckily Grammie Mommie is giving away this very thing It is just my lucky day

let there be light

I know it has been a long time since my last post, but hey I have a 3 month old. He is amazing and it is my new favorite activity to photograph him, but sadly those photographs lack a certain element. That is why I am trying to win a brand new box of light.....well photoshop lightroom 2 to be exact. Mckmama is givng this away on her blog here :

*crosses her fingers*

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

37 Weeks Picture

This was taken today at 37 weeks on my way out to my breastfeeding class...

Congratulations! Your baby is full term

Here is the email I recieved this morning from

Hello, Heather! Congratulations! Your baby is full-term! This means that if your baby arrives now, his lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb, even though your due date is still three weeks away. He weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long.

So excited only 8 more days until the induction

Saturday, September 5, 2009

35 weeks + some change

So, there is big news on the home front. Let me start with the standard stuff. We are both doing great! I had my final ultrasound on Wednesday and he is looking wonderful, weighing in at 5 lbs 11 oz, and about 19 inches long. The ultrasound tech told us that she could see some hair on his head and I am very excited about that. He is definitely running out of room very fast because his movements no longer tickle inside, and sometimes they are down right painful. I find myself trying to coax him out of my ribs SEVERAL times a day. I am also a proud new member of the "I am sick of being pregnant" club. There are several joining requirements that include:

-itchy stomach (enough said)

-inability to sleep for longer than 1 hour at a time

-having to pee every 15 minutes

-having to pee every 15 minutes, but only able to pee 1 mil at a time

-inability to put on pants/shorts

- "" "" socks/shoes

-inability to to get off the couch (or the bed) without assistance

As much as I hate all of the above mentioned things, I am above all else grateful that I get to be this miserable for such a great gift at the end.

Now on to the big news (drum roll please..................................) We have an induction date!!!!

On Thursday, September 24th at 6:00 pm we go to the hospital to be induced. They have explained this procedure to me as.....

Step one: Arrive, Get admitted, IV's and blood work and all that

Step two: Get a medication called Cervadil, this is suppose to soften my cervix and get it ready for labor

Step three: 12 hours after Cervadil is placed, they will start Pitocin (this is the one that actually "brings the pain")

Step four : Wait........

Step five : Give birth to a sweet baby boy!

See it is only 5 steps it can't be THAT bad......right :/

My doctor has told me that the 25th will be his birthday, no matter what. If the induction doesn't work, then I will have a C-Section on that day.

So, the countdown is officially on! We will be meeting our little boy in 19 days.

We are so excited!!

As always here is a pic to end the post. This was taken today @ 35 weeks and 3 days

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quick Rolando Update

We had a growth ultrasound today! I am 34 weeks and baby weighed 5 lbs and 9 ounces so he measured a little bit big at about 35 weeks gestation, which is expected because I have diabetes. I am grateful for the extra weight, because I will be induced early so I would rather him be bigger than smaller. He is between 17-18 inches long, and has a perfect, happy heartbeat of 152. My amniotic fluid is measuring completely we are looking very good. We didn't get any pictures today :( but maybe with the next ultrasound. We are looking forward to meeting our baby boy in a few weeks!

Monday, August 24, 2009

33 1/2 weeks

Here I am facing the final weeks of this pregnancy, and I am so antsy. I want it to be over already. I have had some minor setbacks in the past couple of weeks. First, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which has been ok, I have to prick my fingers several times a day, but I have had no problems, my blood sugar remains well controled with my diet. Then, I encountered another hic-up. My blood pressure was really high at my last Doctor's Appointment. So, as a precaution, I have been put on medication, and been ordered to bed! So, for the next 6 weeks, I can only go to the Dr and to the bathroom. It has been harder than I thought, but I will do whatever they tell me to do.

I have been focusing on the positives and so far they are:

-Because of this I will be induced early, tentativley October 1st. Which is great, because I can't wait to meet him.

-Also, I get to have Non Stress Tests twice a week, which doesn't sound like fun, but I get to hear his little heartbeat for a whole hour....and it sounds like music to my ears

-Ultrasounds, I get to have them once a week to check his weight, which is very exciting. of August 5, he was about 17 inches long and weighed 3 lbs 9 oz. That was right on track for 31 weeks. My next ultrasound will be on Wednesday, he should weigh about 5 lbs and be around 18 1/2 inches long.....I will post when I know exactly. His heartrate is very good, between 145-155. At my last NST the nurse was very impressed at how great his heartrate was....ALSO, I got to hear his hic-ups on the was very cool.

Luis and I have officially completeled the Childbirth Class offered at the hospital, and we learned a lot, maybe a little bit more, than we originally bargained for going in......(ie the delivery of the placenta was not pleasent to watch) but it was informative and I feel prepared if not ready for the big day. I don't know how anyone can actually be REALLY READY to experience that kind of mind blowing pain, but prepared....yes.
I feel this was a really long post, but well overdue. Here is my latest photo at 33 weeks